Tasks and Timeline

January to June 2024

  • First Reading of Finalized Project Priorities List – February 2024
  • Second Reading/Approval of Finalized Project Priorities List – April 2024
  • Preparation and completion of Phase II documents for San Diego County Taxpayers Association – due 6 months before final ballot text goes to County Registrar of Voters – targeting March 28, 2024
  • Deadline for Resolution order the election – requires 2/3 approval and must be completed 90-131 days before the election – targeting May 6, 2024
  • Final ballot text to Registrar of Voters – due June 30, 2024

July to December 2024

  • Deadline: Mailing of Sample Ballots (21-40 days before the election) – 9/10/2024
  • Deadline: Statement of Election Results (<28 days after election) – 12/12/2024
  • Deadline: Declaration of Results – 12/12/2024
  • Decision to issue bonds – 12/12/2024

Looking Ahead…

Upon the successful passage of a bond, California law requires a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to be formed within 60 days after the election – initiate recruitment process now, continue through successful passage of bond measure.